There have been so many must-do projects in my sewing room that I’m way behind in clothing my granddaughters. Ten-year-old Laurel has outgrown almost all of her church clothes so we shopped at the mall.
Clearly she is a “tween” now and not our little girl. The mall is definitely where it’s at for clothes now. The good news is that it frees me up to sew for 19-month-old Vivian Rose. I have had to search hard to find the silver lining in that black cloud called “growing up.” Whew, I tell myself! I needed some help.
But as always, even with ready-to-wear, some sewing was still required to pull the outfit together. Before Laurel went to bed Saturday night, we added the white flower but she really wanted a purse for the outfit.
She wanted one that would hold her inhaler, a handkerchief and hair brush. A 6″ x 42″ scrap of heavy linen was lying on the cutting table along with huge piles of other remnants from earlier projects. I was lucky that was on top because it was just perfect for the body of the bag. Had it been buried a little deeper, I might not have found it until the big Spring Sewing Room Clean Up. Continue reading