It comes in pink or white in sizes 12 months to 6. Continue reading
It comes in pink or white in sizes 12 months to 6. Continue reading
Our beautiful grandson Alastair is 6 months old now. His family waited 43 weeks before demanding his appearance.
But now that he’s here, he seems pleased as punch to be sitting up in the precious little chair which was handmade for him by his Uncle Doug.
We all enjoy seeing him positioned differently from his younger pose–flat on his back, hands up, mouthing the words, “I surrender!” (See previous posts, duck bubble and Nivia diaper set.
The busier I get, the more I rely on the ready to smock garments. Like her mother, my daughter Rebecca is very partial to monograms, so again I used Ellen McCarn’s monogram leaflet for the lettering. The rest is just made up.
Posted in hand embroidery, infant clothing, ready-to-smock finished projects, smocking
Tagged baby bubble, babyclothes, monogram, smocking boy