Alastair’s Christmas suit is finished and ready to wear. The pants pattern is from the book Sewing for Jack and Jill, by Martha Pullen. It begins with the basic button-on pants pattern and simply adds a template for the V front. It would be easy enough to draft if the book were not available.
This pattern has become a favorite of mine. The V-front pants seem more elegant and suitable for special occasions. The V also creates an ideal frame for embroidery on the shirt.
The black velveteen pants are lined with black Imperial broadcloth. The abalone buttons were found at Farmhouse Fabrics and they are just lovely.  I wanted to use the same buttons on the shirt and pants, but black would not show up on the pants and white or ivory would not show up on the back of the shirt. The pearly grey abalone buttons offer contrast to both fabrics and shimmer in the light. They are perfect. Continue reading