Tag Archives: machine embroidery

I Spy Quilt

Grandma quilts have love in every stitch. Author Unknown




Just before his third birthday, Robert became enamored of the I Spy books he checked out of the library. With this in mind, I decided an I Spy quilt would be a great gift for his birthday.


Robert spies his quilt.

Robert spies his quilt.


Robert was so pleased with his I Spy quilt. After he opened the package, the other children were quite intrigued and began examining the items in each square. Feeling a little overwhelmed by the festivities and his guests’ enthusiastic manhandling of his special quilt, Robert announced that he was going to take a rest. And please would Nana come with him.

With one hand he grabbed a corner of the quilt and with the other he took my hand. We went to his room and snuggled a little while before he was ready to face the bedlam that attends 3 year-old birthday parties. Ahhh…Nana heaven! Continue reading