Tag Archives: knitted baby dress

My First Needle Art~Knitting


L knits

I know this won’t be a popular post.  But knitting was the first needle art I was taught and now my granddaughter wants to learn. So it’s what is on my mind now.

Most of us progress through many forms of needlework, ultimately focusing on a few with greater passion.  Seven year-old Laurel’s interest in sewing, quilting and now knitting gives me great hope that she will be knowledgeable and enthusiastic about a variety of needle arts.

About two weeks ago, when Laurel announced that she would like to learn to knit, she also confided that she thinks those ladies on tv who bang their knitting needles together are probably not  knitting.  “Show me how, Nana.”

I silently groaned, having recently donated my complete collection of knitting needles–all sizes, all length–as well as a few bushel baskets of yarn.  But not wanting to lose the moment, I pulled out a little  “craft” learn-to-crochet kit that included about 10′ of nasty red yarn.  With some rummaging I found  a set of size 7 circular needles that missed the clean sweep of  no-eyed needles.  And so we began….

It did not go well.

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