my new baby!
NEW MACHINE!!! If you have heard happy shouts and contented purrs coming from central Florida, it’s just me. I am beside myself with delight over my new Brother Quattro! After my disappointment over the misplaced design on a collar for my granddaughter, I knew that wouldn’t have happened if I had been sewing on the Brother Quattro. So now, this big Brother lives in my sewing room! Hurrah!
When I stitched that design on my Brother Duetta, I had hooped heavy water soluble stabilizer, applied spray adhesive and placed the “V” shaped collar in place. In fact, I had centered the design properly, with the needle penetrating the absolute center of the design. But the linen collar was not absolutely straight, north and south, east and west. This caused the “V” design to lean to the east.

The Brother Duetta stitched it perfectly, but my operator error caused the misplacement.
This slight misalignment would not have been so noticeable had the collar been round or square or if it had been stitched on a yoke. But with the echoed “V” so near, it was very obvious.
The Quattro has a built in camera. With this incredible feature, the camera locates the cross hairs of the “snowman” sticker that is placed at the very center of my design area. The camera perceives even slight placement inaccuracies and makes the correction by rotating the design however many degrees are necessary. Is that not wonderful and amazing?
We are in the “getting to know you” mode right now and the more I read, the more awestruck I am. Edge sewing, print and stitch, huge embroideries…… The list goes on and on. I can’t wait for Quattro and me to become BFF’s!
NEW TECHNIQUE!!! My granddaughter’s Easter dress seemed to be an appropriate first project to help us get acquainted. Pictures of “shadow smocking,” posted on Pinterest caught my eye. Note: If you don’t know about Pinterest, check it out here. Continue reading →