Tag Archives: Ellen McCarn Apples an Berries

Strawberry Sundress


With the sweet spring weather we have had these past few weeks, I have had sundresses on my mind.  I came across pictures of this little sundress that I made for Laurel the summer that she was two.

Many such sundresses had been made for my daughter Rebecca from that age on, from a pattern that my friend Mary Hale Hoffmann and I made up.  Smocking this garment brought back sweet memories of those days.

Our daughters were the same age and we smocked around the clock for them.  This pattern was so easy and economical that our girls wore them like school uniforms.

We used the armhole curve from Katina, a Children’s Corner sundress pattern with a narrow yoke.  We added the width of the yoke to the armhole curve and voila’ we were in business!



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