Tag Archives: elf on the shelf

Elf on the Shelf Fun




We are having so much fun with our Elf on the Shelf.  If you are unfamiliar with this new holiday phenomenon, check it out here.  The grandchildren named him Peter because he looks a lot like Peter Pan and is able to fly between our world here in Florida and the world of Santa at the North Pole.

Here’s his story in a nutshell.   Daily, the Elf on the Shelf observes the children’s behavior, both naughty and nice, and reports nightly to Santa.  When he returns from giving his evaluation, he likes to have fun in his assigned home.



He arrived at our house laslt year just after Christmas when I first heard about him.  With a charming book and a backdrop for photo ops or set ups, this elf languished in the closet under the hall stairs, in conditions much like Harry Potter endured with the Dursleys. Continue reading