Category Archives: Holiday Projects

Quick Christmas Toys~OCC

OCC table banner


What a wonderful organization Operation Christmas Child is! Shoe boxes filled with age/gender appropriate gifts are given to children who might otherwise receive no gifts on this most special holiday.  These are children in war torn areas, in refugee camps, and in areas of disaster like the Philippines.


OCC stuffies

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Halloween for Baby

Candy Corn all


I’m packing for a trip to our cabin in North Carolina for some quality time with daughter Rebecca and her two children, 4 year old Alastair,  9 month old Vivian Rose and  Auntie Jeannette (Alastair’s NanNan).  We’re looking forward to a week of fall color and relaxation.  Actually, I’m not sure any  relaxation is possible with two little ones running around all day and Vivian Rose nursing 2-3 time through the night.  But with three adults, at least one of us should be relatively free at any given moment.

Post Trip UPDATE:  WRONG!!!!  It required one adult per child and one to cook meals and prepare Alastair’s non-stop snacks.  He must be having a growth spurt.

Our Florida baby girl would need some warm clothes, so I teamed up off-the-rack fleece pants and leggings with a few tops.  One, of course, had to have a Halloween theme. Continue reading

Modeling their New Clothes


modeling their July 4th outfits

modeling their July 4th outfits

I simply must show you the pictures that Rebecca just sent of Alastair and Vivian Rose wearing the outfits I made recently.  You’ve probably already seen these clothes and I know I am Pitiful Nana to HAVE to show these off.  I’m like the grandmothers who pull out the 11 x 17″ g’baby photo albums at every opportunity.  But I am what I am.





Six month old Vivian Rose, our own four-tooth “Chubbalicious,” is finally getting hair in a reversed sequence of her mother’s development.  Rebecca was born with thick, dark hair that nearly covered her ears but it all fell out and at her first birthday she had about as much as does Vivian Rose now.  Vivian also has 2 teeth now while her mother didn’t cut her first almost until her first birthday.  I thought I might have to send her to  kindergarten with pureed baby food in her lunch box.  FYI, this Children’s Corner Bobbie bubble is a size 18 months!

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July 4th Outfits and At Home Celebrations


I love the 4th of July and everything that goes with it.  I love the picnics, the parades, the fireworks, the flag waving, the declarations of patriotism, the television broadcast of A Capitol Fourth, all that and more.  But what I love most is the blessings and freedoms we celebrate on Independence Day.  Oh–that and the children’s clothes, too!

When our children were still at home, we hosted a huge picnic with as many as 175 guests.  I wrote an article about it for the 1988 summer issue of Sew Beautiful.  For any who would like to stroll down Memory Lane with me, the  article is reprinted at the end of this post. Continue reading

Easter Outfits by Judy Day~~Going with the Flow



Many of you have been there—that place in time where your idea of what your child or grandchild should wear differs from that child’s opinion.  Selecting fabric, pattern, smocking design, etc. is so easy when  they are little, but as they develop their own personal taste you have to go with the flow.




Judy Day has done just that with fabulous results for her 9 year old granddaughters. Judy has always made holiday outfits in groups of 4, one for each girl and one for  each girl’s doll.   But this year, she recognized and acknowledged her girls’ growing sense of individual style.  Well, at least their different color choices.

Here is Judy’s story about the Easter outfits.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continue reading

Jo’s Family Easter

Jo's family in their Easter finery. Every one (except Jo!!!!) is wearing one of her creations.

Jo’s beautiful family in their Easter finery. Every one (except Jo, unless she made the lavender sweater) is wearing one of her creations.

I just love seeing what you all have sewn up for holidays–or everydays!  So it really pleased me to see photos of Jo’s family all decked out in the Easter garments she made.   They are all color coordinated in lavender and yellow, with a paisley print used on several outfits.  Living in the cold, cold north, Jo chose corduroy for the little ones in the family.

As so often happens, in the midst of her rush to finish up, there were complications.  Most of the family came down with a terrible virus requiring huge amounts of laundry, at the exact time that her dryer died.  So while she tended to the sick, she was running back and forth to the home of a good neighbor whose dryer was put at Jo’s disposal.  All the while for those several days, Jo awaited delivery of her own new laundry appliance.


In spite of these roadblocks, she finished everything up–dresses for the girls, a smocked Children’s Corner Johnny for little Gideon and ties for the big boys and her husband. Continue reading

Happy Easter 2013


Robert and Laurel brought me this lovely, fragrant Easter lily. There are three more buds, so it will bloom for quite a while.

What fun family time we enjoyed this year as we celebrated Easter.  Our daughter, Rebecca, and her family arrived mid-week and our son, Ryan, and his family were with us all day Saturday, when we had our Easter dinner.


VnA lying down

Alastair adores his baby sister. She looks like the feeling is mutual.

Saturday began with the Bunny Lunch at church, always a big hit with our grandchildren.  Approximately 75 children along with their parents or grandparents participated. The event began with an Easter craft followed by lunch. Continue reading

Elves and Merry Christmas!

Three year olds Alastair and Aliya, share a hug. Don’t they look like elves? They are all jammied up after watching the nighttime Christmas parade. Their joy and excitement are infectious.

The world has been celebrating Christmas for nearly 2000 years now.  In the past 100 years, there have been many  changes documented in my beloved vintage Needlecraft/Home Arts magazines. Alastair and Alyia, in their knit and serged holiday pajamas are dressed very differently from this little guy in 1928.

But it this 1936 Home Arts shows that footed sleepers are not new. Continue reading

For a Musical Biker Chef

chef stocking vert crop recol

When my daughter asked me to make a Christmas stocking for her husband, Harvey, I dragged my feet.  Knowing it needed to be unique and personal, I had no inspiration.  That was three years ago.  I reeeeally dragged my feet.

Last week, she sent a note asking would I please start working on Harvey’s stocking next summer.  That got to me.   She suggested something like a biking Santa or a chef.  Bingo!  I had my inspiration.

It shouldn’t have been that hard for me.  But he is an absolute computer genius so I was hung  up on that angle.  Now, focusing on his biking, cooking and musical skill, I could move ahead.

My fabulous son-in-law is an incredible chef.    My daughter, bless her heart, makes great toast and hot chocolate.  That’s all.  So Harvey does all the cooking, enthusiastically. Last year’s Christmas dinner has become a family legend.  And Rebecca sets a lovely table. Continue reading

Updated…Compromises-Play it again, Sam!

Though nothing like this was heard at the formal Stetson Christmas Concert which is central to this post, the video below is is too special not to share. Thanks, Shirley, for bringing this to my attention. I promise you all will want to see this to the very hilarious ending.


I’m being forced to make creative compromises.  It is absolutely impossible to sew all that I want and to regularly dress my grandchildren in the classic clothing I’ve always wanted for them.

Torn between making baby clothes for soon-to-arrive granddaughter #2 and sewing Christmas outfits for the three grandchildren who are already here, I am making compromises I never thought I would accept.

I’m re-doing, recycling, and taking shortcuts with holiday clothes, not to mention cooking and housekeeping!  This year’s Christmas frock for granddaughter Laurel is 2011 all over again.  It’s the same burgundy velveteen collar dress, though he collar has been replaced with one I made for my daughter 24 years ago.

This doesn’t even meet the bridal wardrobe standard of “something old and something new.”  This is just something old and something older!

Seven year old Robert joined us this year for the Stetson University Christmas Concert.   He looked handsome in a nice red sweater (off the rack, not even handknit by Nana), while Laurel, 8, wore this dress.  But they certainly didn’t compliment one another’s outfits.  Oh well.

The concert was absolutely spectacular and incredibly moving.  My scalp prickled and my eyes teared. Continue reading