So how long is this going to take?
After several days of non-stop hustle and bustle, I am enjoying the quiet that follows a huge celebration like Easter. The children and grandchildren have all returned to their homes and everyone here at my home is asleep.
All the good china and silver is put back in place, the table linens are in the washer, and except for scattered Easter grass on the floors, a dirty child’s sock on the hall table and a pink Peep bunny perched on the sugar bowl, things are back to normal.
But what a beautiful day it was!  Norman Rockwell himself could not have painted a more traditional scene, with beautiful children, Florida sunshine and sticky chocolate bunnies.  The dining room was seated with all ages, from toddler to super-senior. This joyful celebration was down home, home grown and home sewn.

Is there anything cuter than a gap-toothed 6 year-old?
Before the Easter egg hunt, we tried to get pictures. What a production that was!
Three relatively cooperative, squirming, anxious children were surrounded by 6 relatively cooperative, squirming anxious parental paparazzi. The cameras were snapping like finger cymbals.
Hundreds of photos were taken, though the children would probably estimate that there were thousands.

Aren’t you done taking pictures?
There must be 20 shots of the children on the stairs. It was like trying to line up 3 cats!  We never did get a picture of all three smiling. Robert fidgeted and Alastair was focused on his right foot. Laurel, bless her sweet cooperative little heart, sat primly for every photo but the last, when she lost her resolve and was caught picking her nose. That unladylike pose has been deleted from my camera.
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