Not exactly a Griswold house, but it was enough to please us. And there is more in the back around the pool. Bob really wanted to please the children with all the lights. Lighted reindeer are perched on the garage roof, 4 snowflakes hang in front of the breakfast porch, candles are in the windows and my sewing room on the right is lighted up like an airport runway. Should have turned that off before Bob snapped this shot.
This is our 46th Christmas in this house and it seems each one gets better as all of our dreams have come true.
Well, the Most Wonderful Time of the Year has come and gone and it was a glorious time. For at least a few days of the week both of our children and their families were with us and the house was filled with laughter, music, good food, dogs, and chaos.
Since our son was about 10, the Noel proclamation has been mysteriously rearranged on the mantel with our boy neither pleading nor looking guilty, offering only an innocent smile. Now his son Robert has taken up the gauntlet and another Noel has fallen victim to the prank.
We never know what the mantel or the mirror will proclaim. Some days it’s NOLE or OLEO, though LEON seems to be favored–you just never know. Some speculate that it’s the work of the Elf on the Shelf.
Meanwhile, the piano seems to be playing non-stop, whether it be Ryan, Laurel or Robert at the keyboard, with only cookie breaks in the music. When Ryan was a child, his job was to play after dinner as Rebecca and I cleaned the kitchen. It made her want piano lessons.

My boy loves music as do his children.
Sweet, sweet memories.

It was to be a great puzzle. 11 yo Alastair grins at his success, while mama Rebecca holds well-behaved Mendel and Robert FINALLY gave in to have his picture taken.
We worked on a Christmas puzzle on the back porch in 80 degree weather. Then in one brief, unsupervised moment, Sebastian, our 1 year old Pyrenees pup, nicknamed The White Devil, pulled the unfinished puzzle off the table and chewed up several pieces. Oh well.
Gingerbread houses were built and decorated, basketball was played in the driveway, football games were watched, driving lessons were given to 15 yo Robert, eggnog was chugged, stories were told, cats and dogs were played with and loved on, church was zoomed and life was merry at the Ferguson home.
Our dinner table was festive, set with the traditional Christmas menu. Along with pumpkin pie, Laurel made a divine cranberry cake, with cream cheese frosting sprinkled with chopped walnuts, decorated with candied cranberries.
As expected, Vivian’s white lace Christmas dress was too big, so she wore cousin Laurel’s 10 yo black velveteen Sugar Plum Fairy Christmas dress which had been hanging in the nursery closet waiting for her to grow into it. Finally she did. Brother Alastair was dashing, as usual, in his holiday finery.
I wish I had taken more pictures, but I got so wrapped up in the wonder of it all. My wish is that you all had a joyous Christmas and celebrated the reason of the season.
From our house to yours, I wish you a happy and healthy 2021.