Bargain Sea Scene

To sell something, tell a woman it’s a bargain: tell a man it’s deductible.” Earl Wilson

Everyone loves a bargain and I am no exception. When I saw these  pants on the department store clearance rack for $4, I snatched them up for Laurel. It was a more than pleasant surprise to find the matching shirt for $3.50.

The white polka dots easily pass for bubbles, so the outfit certainly lent itself to a bottom-of-the-sea setting. The designs are all from Dakota Collectibles. The underwater scene  is from the Seashells collection while the angelfish are from Aquarium Scenes.

One angelfish was extracted from the pair and embroidered  just above the vent at the calf. Since the single angelfish lacked bubbles, I went back to my old reliable collection, Fil Tire’ and Fancywork Elements, and inserted, copied and pasted a simple dot that Suzanne Sawko had digitized. These were just the right size to mimic the dots in the shirt fabric and inside the pants hem.

I love adding detail and often must restrain myself from futzing too much with a project. While I liked the way the sleeve was pulled up with a piece of lavender twill tape, I thought it needed some accent at the top. A small yellow shell button was sewn to each sleeve, adding a little more color and interest to the outfit.

Speaking of detail, I just noticed the mark on Laurel’s arm that shows in the photo.  Let me tell you about it.  She has always been quite the drama queen.  When she came to Nana School this morning she hurried to  tell her grandfather and me all about the “really bad bug bite”  that she got yesterday.

After garnering all the sympathy that was likely to come, she exclaimed with wide eyes that when she woke up today she could see the teeth marks around the bite!  When I suggested that we call 9-1-1 she declared, in so many words, that  the vicious bite was now healed enough that medical treatment was probably unnecessary.

Lately, it seems I just want to do quick and easy projects. Maybe it was overload from the major Easter projects  that put me into this lazy mode. At any rate, I have two other simple outfits stacked up in the sewing room waiting to be embroidered next.

What are you all sewing now?

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