“As pretty as Walt Disney’s dinosaur”

…….the ultimate compliment from Lucius Jackson, age 7

Judy Day made matching Easter dresses for her 6-year old granddaughters. Though the girls live hundreds of miles apart, the cousins share a camaraderie built largely on their grandmother’s love and sewing creations.

The Swiss batiste bodice of the girls’ Easter dresses are machine embroidered with shadow work monograms from Suzanne Hinshaw. The skirts are an exquisite 27″ Swiss embroidery, purchased a few years ago from www.farmhousefabrics.com Tied at the waist with a pink satin ribbon, the dresses are simple but elegant.

Margaret from Children’s Corner was the pattern.  Judy omitted the sleeves but regretted not having trimmed away as much as 3/8″ from the top of the armscye.  Personally, I find it not distracting and think it will allow the dresses to fit longer at the shoulders.

As I looked at the photos Judy sent me, I was reminded of a compliment worthy of these dresses.

For six years, before my children were born, I had a glorious time teaching educable retarded children at the elementary level. The lunch room monitor, Mrs. Jones, was a particularly attractive and vivacious white haired lady whose own Down’s Syndrome daughter was one of my students. All the children loved Mrs. Jones and envied her daughter, Vickie.

Pants suits were coming into vogue and recently had been approved by the county school board for teachers and other county employees. One day, Mrs. Jones, The Cafeteria Fashionista, came to the cafeteria in a  bright purple, silver buttoned  polyester pants suit, which complimented her perfectly coiffed silver white hair.

My student Lucius Jackson was a round little 7-year old, with flashing black eyes and a raspy voice.  He  had just seen the movie, Pete’s Dragon, featuring a sweet natured, larger than life lavender reptile. As Lucius inched his way up the serving line, eagerly anticipating lunch, his attention was suddenly diverted from the steam table to Mrs. Jones as she handed him a tray. Gazing at her with admiring eyes, Lucius was momentarily stunned and silenced by her beauty.

Finally he declared, “Miz Jones, you ‘bout as purty as Walt Disney’s dinosaur.” Then he grinned his million dollar smile and watched her until someone put a plate on his tray.

Later, Mrs. Jones admitted that Lucius comment was one of the sweetest and most sincere compliments she had ever received.

Judy, these dresses are at least as pretty as Elliot, Walt Disney’s dinosaur.   And this compliment is just as sincere as was Lucius’.

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