Kitty Cat Dress #3

V andE


As expected, kitty cat dress #3 was a huge hit.  With the dress on a hanger and gray leggings hanging below,  we walked through the door to Vivian Rose’s 4th birthday party. She ran to me squealing with delight and ran off to put on the dress. Also as expected, her personal fashion sense demanded different leggings than those provided with the dress.  But  that was okay with me.

Vivi loved the and has worn it repeatedly in the short time she has had it.

Again, I used CC Lucy for the pattern after giving up on CC Kitty. I had cut that dress out with this same fabric the weekend Vivi was here. The gray, pink, black and white cats are on a gray background.  The dress is lined with gray gingham and trimmed with gray whipstitch piping.

Vivian  graciously insisted on “helping”  me in order to get the dress done more quickly.  You might remember this photo of her assisting me.


V helps me sew


While she “helped me” the guide sheet and the back yoke pattern piece, cut out and still pinned to the fabric, both disappeared, never to be found.  Fortunately, I always buy extra fabric and had enough cat print and gray gingham to hunker down and make another Lucy.



That is a too-skimpy cat ruffle under the black binding.


The pockets, however, are 40% larger.  She commented somewhat sweetly that the pockets on kitty cat dress #2 were “Vewwwy small!”

Her party was a big success.  There was a bounce house and the de rigueur  pinata, rainbow style.  I made 10 teepee bags with scraps from each of her 3 kitty cat dresses. The  cake featured her signature roses (for Vivian Rose), tiny cat candies and  rainbow.  I pray her life be filled with these, sunshine and love and a cat or two.


V cake ED


Yesterday, I was chatting with my daughter who told me about an incident at her preschool.  One of her favorite playmates, a very active boy, turned quickly and hit her nose with his elbow.  She bled profusely and cried like she was dying.  The  teacher tried to comfort her, wiping the blood from her face, to no avail.  Vivi finally cried out, “There is blood alllll over my kitty cat dress!”

Later, when her mother asked her if the knock on the nose hurt, she replied no.  She was just upset about her Aristocats dress and was afraid it was ruined.  Rebecca is working on it with our favorite stain stick so the life or death verdict is still out.


Another CC Lucy--and another kitty cat dress for my kitty cat loving granddaughter.

Aristocats dress for my kitty cat loving granddaughter.


The next project in the queue is her Easter dress.  I doubt she will be crazy about it but it will feature NO cats!  And I will really enjoy making it.


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