Isabella is a sweet, simple little bubble pattern from My Childhood Treasures. When Judy Day saw this pattern on-line, she immediately e-mailed me with the link. She knew I would love it for our granddaughter Vivian Rose. It is a for sale downloadable PDF pattern so I had it in my hands moments after buying it. Don’t you love these downloadable patterns?
My daughter Rebecca loved it exactly as shown on the pattern cover and wanted Vivian’s to look just like that.
But you know how that goes…..even though in my fabric stash I had apples, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries and most fruits grown in the continental US, there were no cherries.
Soon I was on the Farmhouse Fabrics site, my go-to on-line store where I ordered the fabric for the bubble at the top of this post. (Ironically, yesterday at JoAnn’s Fabrics I saw the topstitched ribbon and the exact fabric as shown in the pattern, at less per yard and no shipping .)
Rebecca had recently informed me that all clothes under 9 months have been retired from Baby Girl’s closet, though she is just 4 months old. Weighing in at 17 lbs. and wearing bulky cloth diapers, she requires a larger size.
Now that it is finished, I have serious doubts that this greatly altered 9-12 month size will fit “chubbalicious” Vivian Rose.
The pattern does not have a crotch opening, so I added extra length there to accommodate the buttons and the cloth diapers. Now it looks huge to me, especially around the legs. I hadn’t taken into consideration that the crotch extension adds to the width of the leg opening.  Even Vivian Rose’s thunder thighs might be too small for this bubble.
Film at 11, after the bubble is tried on.
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