SOS Update

FABRIC FOUND!!! Emergency #1 resolved.


What wonderful, helpful people you all are!  Merry Gay (Merry Gay in Stitches) and Heather (handcrafts by Heather) both responded to my plea for fabric and I should have a yard of it by the middle of the week.  THANKS!!!!  I suspect you all know how frustrating it is to need something so badly and not be able to find it.  If so, you know how grateful I am to them.

You all should check out Chadwick Heirlooms.  They are shipping the fabric on today, Monday,  so I should be cutting it by Thursday.  Hurrah!!!!!  Their fine fabric selection is extensive and beautiful.  In the “lawn” department I found lots of Liberty and many, many other fabrics I would like to sew up.

Thank you, also, for all the warm congratulatory comments about our Christmas grandbaby girl. How kind of you all to share our joy!


EMERGENCY #2 resolved.  The caterpillars on my passion vine will soon be Gulf Fritillaries!  ( picture from Wikipedi).  Click here for more information about the Gulf Fritillary.

It’s lucky for those gluttonous passion vine caterpillars that my precious daughter-in-law (with a degree in environmental science) identified them as Gulf Fritillary larva.  And shortly after that, Karen wrote with the information! So it has been confirmed.  Won’t they be pretty?  NOTE:  See Karen’s comment below about planting passion vine with her kindergarten class.

Not only were they allowed to live and eat on….and on….and on…., but Saturday my sweet granddaughter, Laurel, and I went the extra mile to conduct a mercy mission.  We relocated three of the ravenous critters the from this devoured vine


The Passion Vine Cafe for Ravenous Caterpillers


to the lush, leafy, caterpillar free passion vine on the old pump house (shown below) so they wouldn’t starve to death.



I’ve seen a few Gulf Frittilaries around and thought they were Monarchs, but what do I know?  But now that I’ve seen the ID photos, I saw one  today on a rose bush.  It was exactly like the picture.  I was sooo excited!

These Gulf Frittalaries will mix nicely with the Eastern Black Swallowtails that seem to hang out in the garden just outside my back door.


This is part of the back garden, between the wash house on the left and the pool on the right. The butterflies love to hangout here, especially on the blue flowered plumbago. I can’t wait to look out the window and see the Eastern Black Swallowtails and the Gulf Frittilraries flitting together. See my giant nightblooming jasmine behind the school bell?

More news will be coming about the projects I am starting for Baby Girl #2.  Only 5 months until she will be here!  Of course, in the meantime, there are also things to be sewn for Laurel, Robert and Alastair.

Please, please tell me about your sewing, especially baby projects.  I am hungry for inspiration.

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