Invasion of the Grandchildren!

We’re loving it.  For the past 4 days we have had various combinations of grandchildren 24/7 and it has been so much fun.  But with homeschool, 6 year-old Robert, 7 year-old Laurel and now 3 year-old Alastair getting all my attention,  there has been no time for blog posting.

Please don’t give up on Janice Ferguson Sews.  I have some posts ready in my head—

  • 1.  the story of the incredible, once-in-a-lifetime estate sale where I scored big time, with photos of some of my incredible textile purchases,
  • 2. an instructive (to some) post on pinstitch, entredeux stitch, their uses, differences and techniques,
  • 3. report on progress, observations, and tips about shadow smocking on Laurel’s Easter dress,
  • 4.  destashing goods for sale, with lots of tatting and lace (including Binche/picture lace), Liberty and some neat commercial collars,
  • 5. Rebecca’s Bow Dress, two versions and details about  an heirloom dress and pattern by me,  published by Martha Pullen lonnnnnnnnnng, long ago,
  • 6.  updates on my fabulous Quattro and what it does for me
  • and more………….

I will be back, because I really enjoy writing this blog and hearing from you.  But right now, while I have the opportunity, I’d rather read books in the tree house with Alastair, start a new quilt with Laurel and hunt the newly hatched  grasshopper pests infesting our yard with Robert.

Tomorrow, Saturday, all three grandchildren, Bob and I are off to a local theater production of The Jungle Book.  Fun!!!

Meanwhile, happy sewing to you all.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nana Fun:  Robert and Laurel arrived Tuesday evening for homeschool Wed. and a church supper that night.  Robert needed a haircut and they had just been too busy to get it done.

Robert likes to look nice and groused a little about going to church with his hair so shaggy.  I told him I could trim it for him.

“No!” he declared.  “I need a REAL haircut.”

“But, Robert, I cut your daddy’s hair until he was 7 years old.”

“No, Nana, it would just be gauche to have my Nana cut my hair.” (I’m beginning to think the kid reads a little too much.)

“Robert,” I insisted, “I even trim Granddad’s hair when he needs a cut.”

He rolled his eyes and sighed, “Yeah, and Granddad’s bald!”  I just dropped the subject and he went to church looking like a 6 year old hippie.

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