Heirloom Lace Insertion

Browse “A STORE” categories for items that interest you.  Payment can be made with personal check, postal money order or Paypal.  Send an e-mail to NCcabin@aol.com with your order, your shipping address and your method of payment.  I will respond with a total, including shipping and  sales tax for Florida addresses.  If you choose Paypal, I will send you an invoice.

I’m sorry this is more tedious than the one click purchase option on other upscale sites. This is more like a yard sale–bargain prices, changing inventory, and limited quantities.   You might be surprised at some of the unique items I have in my stash/hoard/collection!


Minimum 1 yard.  No increments less than 1/2 yd. Available yardage is posted if less than 10 yds.

I-1…$1.00 per yard…5/8″ wide…white


I-2E…..$1.00 per yard….5/8″ wide…ecru


I-3…..$1.00 per yard…7/8″ wide…ivory


I-5…..$0.80 per yard…1/4″ wide….ivory

I-5     This is a great little insertion.  When inserted between two laces or two finished edges,  it looks like delicate entredeux.  Can be used as beading for narrow silk ribbon or floss.


I-14…$3 per yard…1-1/8″ wide…ecru…ANTIQUE

I-14    Such a gorgeous lace!  A cordonnet outlines the leaf below the flower, creating a serpentine pattern throughout the length of lace. Real ecru.


I-21  Another antique lace, sturdy but delicate in appearance.  Ivory, but closer to ecru than white.  Very lovely.

I-22…$3.60 per yard…1-1/2″ wide…ivory…ANTIQUE

I-22  The flowers in this antique lace remind me of lilies.  I especially like the contrast of patterns and the way the open, almost fil tire’ sections are outlined with the filled in lilies.



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