Beatrice wearing her aqua broadcloth ready-to-smock bishop. The smocking design is Allison Leigh by Ellen McCarn.
This is my precious church granddaughter, Beatrice, wearing a bishop dress I completed for her in a relatively short time. FYI, she is truly a granddaughter in my heart, but when I don’t identify her as my “church granddaughter,” I have to field questions as to which of my almost middle-age children have had another child.
Ready-to-smock garments are readily available from a number of sources. Most of my purchases have been from a few members of the Smocking Destash facebook group. They do a fabulous job of pleating and constructing the garments using quality fabrics. This garment was complete, from neck binding, to buttons and buttonholes to the hem. Others are often in various stages of completion.
White lace trimmed the sleeves but I had something else in mind so the lace was removed and replaced with this. Unusual lace and trims have always caught my eye, and this one certainly did.

This lace is one of the most useful, versatile pieces I have. Just 1/4″ wide, the edges are straight enough to be used as an insertion or edging. Floss woven through the entredeux-like holes makes it a tiny beading.
The sleeve was pleated with only 3 rows. So using a Swiss trim with entredeux seemed too wide, overpowering the narrow smocking. This 1/4″ trim still allowed for the addition of color to match the smocking. Additionally, I had it on hand.
I was pleased to get this dress ready for Beatrice pretty quickly. Several other ready-to-smock garments lie in wait in my drawer of upcoming projects. Now I just need a drawer full of time for all the projects I want to do!
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