My grandchildren love holiday pillowcases. This set was made for 4 yo Vivian Rose, who loves cats. I knew she would appreciate the addition of the witch cat to the Happy Halloween design. Both designs are from the delightful ADP 89 Patrick Lose Happy Halloween collection.
Though her family pet is an 18 yo Ragdoll cat who does little but sleep the day away, this child has an unusual and firm fixation on felines. Last year at Thanksgiving, as always, each family member at the table offered thanks for those things for which they were most grateful. Three year old Vivian said, “Kittens.”When asked was there anything else, she said, “Cats.” pressed further, her 3rd and last reply was, “Big cats. More more turkey please.”
Along with the pillowcases, I included a sweet birthday card with three adorable kittens. The card was modified to read “Happy Birthday Halloween.”
She loved her new pillowcases but I think the cat card pleased her more.
Here she is wearing her signature bedtime fashion, nestled in the pillows and holding her cat card.

The sleepwear is from her future Vivian’s Secret fashion line. And yet I continue to smock and sew heirloom clothes for her, hoping for a change in her personal style choices.
There is so much puckering in the embroidery! Every time I embroider on polycotton, regardless of how much starch and stabilizer I use, it puckers. Do you have any suggestions?
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