Pink Swiss voile, ivory entredeux, cherub medallion, heirloom laces and bishop pattern from Mimi’s Heirloom Sewing Book Two.
My life is absolutely wonderful but SO busy! These new puppies chew up a lot of time… and a lot of everything else.! They are adorable and we are crazy about them. But they are one of the big reasons it’s been so long since I’ve posted.

Samson and Delilah, each 21 lbs, 10 weeks old
At this late date I am starting on Easter dresses for 4 yo granddaughter Vivian Rose. One, of course, is for Easter Sunday. The other is for the church egg hunt on Sat. But that is on the back burner until Sunday’s dress is finished.
For several years I have had a piece of what must have been an exquisite tablecloth featuring cherubs and roses. You probably figured out that roses are a bonus for anything I make for Vivi.
I’m thankful that someone had the foresight to save the remnants. From the first time I saw it, I imagined one of those cherub medallions in a granddaughter’s dress. Finally, the time has come.

each cherub is 3″ tall
The plan is to modify a bishop with several inches removed from the front. That would leave a flat area on the Swiss voile for the single cherub. As you can see, it is already pinstitched to the voile. I love love love pinstitch and use it whenever possible. This time a #100 needle was used instead of a wing for fear that a wing would cut through the dense portions of the lace.

cherub medallion secured to Swiss voile with pinstitch W 2.5 L 2.5
For more about pinstitch, check out my very detailed tutorial Pinstitch~~What’s it All About and Pinstitch Part II. This irregular shape would have been very tedious, but do-able–without the knee lift on my Brother Dream Machine. So many stitchers I speak with have this feature on their machines but do not use it. What a shame! It is so useful!
A scalloped hem is planned, with a wide curve under the cherub and roses cut from the piece in other scallops.
I have envisioned this dress as “frothy” with a lace trimmed hemline. A huge challenge was finding lace that was neither white nor ecru but a very light ivory. I successfully coffee dyed a few pieces to just the right shade. But when I came across the special two row edging shown below and hoarded for years, I thought its time had come, just like the cherubs.
Because 3 of anything is usually more pleasing than 2, I would like to put one more piece above it but can’t decide the use the beading or the plain footing. Of course the lace will be pinstitched in place.

Which would you choose–the beading or the plain footing lace?
Is the beading with ribbon too much? Is the footing too plain? Please share your opinions. Meanwhile, I’m busy constructing, pleating and smocking.
But indecision strikes again! My original choice looks “frothier.”
No doubt many of you are finished with your Easter sewing. But I bet there will be a lot of late Saturday nights next week for some of you. And probably me.
Please advise about the lace choices-the first with beading? with footing? or the second as shown!
15 responses to “Opinions? Easter Dress in Progress”