It has been a wild ride in the time I’ve been out of the loop. After 5 days of Hurricane Matthew preparation, hunkering down with no internet, tv, cell or landline service and then clean up, we headed to Mayo Clinic. My husband underwent a minor cardiac procedure, as if ANY cardiac procedure can be minor. He’s just fine, we’re back home and now I’m back to blogging and sewing.
First, I want to share this cute, quick and easy Halloween faux-pieced wallhanging that I really enjoyed making just before Matthew made his unwelcome visit. A complete photo tutorial is posted here at Brother’s new blog, Stitching Sewcial. The designs are from the new Disney Halloween Collection at
There is still time to whip up this kid-pleaser for the increasingly popular Halloween season. Unlike corn stalks or hay bales, this decoration can be packed away for next year and more years to come.
Children love this, especially when they see Goofy’s skeleton glow in the dark.

Goofy by day

Goofy by night
I especially like the yo-yo pumpkins that dangle from each side.
The quick and easy technique was developed when dear Mildred Turner and I taught an AG doll dressing school on Cape Cod, many years ago. When asked if I could teach a night class for a doll quilt, I jumped at the chance. Then I got the news that 1. none of the students had ever quilted, 2. the class was just 3 hours long, and 3. please make sure the quilt could be completed in that time! Whew! Now that was a challenge! That was the motivation for developing this technique. And it worked! But it has so many variations on the application.
So please take a look at this post at Stitching Sewcial and leave a comment if you are so inclined. I would really appreciate it.
Autumn in Florida is usually glorious. I was reminded of last year’s lovely fall when came across this photo. It shows then 2 yo Vivian Rose wearing a CC Mindy that her mother wore 35 years ago. It still looks pretty good!

2 yo Vivian Rose wearing CC Mindy, a hand-me-down from her mother. Sweet memories.
Now that some sewing has been covered, let me share a little about the hurricane. We are so thankful that we were spared the full impact of what was expected to be a totally devastating direct hit to Daytona Beach. That’s just 30 miles from our home. We remain prayerful for those who suffered terrible losses as Matthew worked its way up the coast.
Expecting the worst, and prepared to evacuate if the order came, we spent a full day tucking away all the potted plants, lawn furniture and anything that could become airborn. Bob fueled and fired up the generator to see that it was ready for service. I prayed while surveying my yard and house, thinking this may be the last day we have in our home of 44 years.
Unlike many of our friends, we were too busy to take pictures of the house and garden.  But I did snap a quick shot of my white mandevilla climbing over the wrought iron arch. I love this and expected it would be blown away in the next 12-24 hours.

24 hours before Matthew was due to hit. The little arbor gates are open as we were passing through often.
Instead, 36 hours after this photo was snapped, as tropical storm force winds howled, this ancient oak near the road toppled.  Mercifully it missed the gate. It damaged only a few rails on the fence and crushed several azaleas. But they are tough and will bounce back.

Good bye live oak.
After all the wind stopped, there stood my white mandevilla absolutely intact, with every single blossom in place! The leaves looked bruised, but not a blossom had fallen! How does that happen? Those flowers had to have held on for dear life! I could take another picture but the only difference would be Florida’s signature sunshine blazing instead of the pre-hurricane gloom.
We are thankful beyond words. We continue to pray for those who were not so fortunate.
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