items embroidered for Alastair’s summer camp
MY-OH-MY! This summer is just flying by. Among other activities, I have been busy embroidering gear for our 7 yo grandson Alastair’s first sleepaway camp experience. Each item in this huge pile carries the camp logo.
I have to say again how much I love machine embroidery for so many reasons. Saving money is just one. Participating in his camp preparations is another.
A long list was issued with required “logo-ed” screen printed items, such as a minimum of four $17.99 tees from the camp store. After getting approval for the substitution of machine embroidery over printed, Alastair’s clever mama (my darling daughter) ordered blanks for all required gear and much more. At a 24-hour, on-line flash sale, she purchased his things for less than $70 from the same manufacturer as items from the camp store.  Meanwhile, I got to work preparing the machine embroidery design. Fortunately, it is a simple logo.
Because the laundry is sent out and then returned weekly, he needs a lot of clothes. So he’ll go off to camp with 18 tees, 1 golf shirt, 3 hoodies and 6 pairs of shorts. And there’s more, including 2 sets of sheets, 4 pillowcases, 2 blankets, a ball cap, tennis racquet cover and more, all embroidered. He also goes with our constant prayers for his safety and happiness.

camp clothes
We are so thrilled that Alastair’s summer adventure is at Camp Watitoh in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.  Just escaping Florida’s scorching summer heat will be a treat for him. But this camp has special meaning for his grandfather and me.
Bob and I met there as counselors in the summer of 1967. At this very waterfront, I was the water ski instructor and Bob taught sailing. It was a magical time for us and we expect it will be the same for Alastair. And I have to admit that I kind of wish we were going too!
He was so excited to submit his “countdown” picture to the camp’s facebook page.

counting the days
How quickly times flies. It seems that just yesterday he was a baby. Alastair is a big boy now–a big boy missing 3 front teeth. I just hope Watitoh serves a lot of soft food.
Are you sending anyone off to summer camp?