Big announcement coming in the next few days!

Ahhh…Easter dresses! Thanks to Annette Poole for this photo of two adorable girls in their finery. The checked dress is silk dupioni cut from Sew Beautiful’s Pascale pattern, size 3.  I made a Pascale Christmas dress for granddaughter Laurel Cade when she was 9.  That is one of my favorite patterns because it is so versatile.  As a matter of fact, Maggie Bunch has a post on her blog dedicated to the versatility of Pascale. Check Maggie’s blog for variations and insight into Laura Jenkins Thompson’s excellent pattern.
There is something so sweet about checked silk dupioni. I think it’s a charming combination of the elegance of silk with the innocence and playfulness of gingham. With the smocking and excellent construction Annette has made a special heirloom. I love it.
The older dimpled darling wears a smocked dress of floral cotton The pattern is Flora from Perfect Party Dresses, size 10. The lavender smocking coordinates so sweetly with the little girl’s dress. This is a great look for an older girl. She certainly looks happy with it.
That’s a lot of beautiful smocking and sewing, Annette. The dresses and the children are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Shirley Boyken sent a photo of this cute little purse. I know of at least one preschooler who would love this. It will be added to my to-do list.

Here’s what Shirley had to say about it.
You asked for Easter sewing pictures….I don’t think this exactly qualifies, but nevertheless I did finish it just last week and thought you might enjoy knowing about these cute little purse handles. And who of us girls can’t use another purse?? The handles come in a variety of neat colors and also come in 3 sizes. They are called Jelly Clips and perhaps you have seen them. One of the little girls that I sew for, had a birthday last week so I made her this little purse using the medium sized clip. Basically you sew a little pouch, complete with lining and then you glue it into the purse frame. It was pretty easy though I agonized over the glue part but it turned out to be a quick fun project.Â
Shirley also sent pictures of two other gorgeous projects.
Shirley said:
Last weekend Hope Yoder was here in Mesa doing an event and it was fun for me to share with her a little dress that I made from one of her articles in Sew Beautiful from 2009. it’s the little dress that is an embellished blank and I just love that little dress. am sending a picture that I’m sure will jog your memory. I apologize for not pressing it first… doesn’t look nearly as wrinkled in real life as it does in the picture….ugh!
I stitched feverishly on a Hardanger project that I plan to give to the church that we attend in MN so that took up all my precious needlework-sewing time these last few months. I’m also finishing up another Hardanger project so when that is done…’s time for some smocking. I’ve been wanting to do one of Gail Doane’s little dresses……the black bishop with matching jacket so that’s next on the list.Â
Shirley is one productive stitcher!
I was hoping more Easter projects would be sent in, but these are great shares. Reader project photos are welcome any time. We all love to see what other stitchers are creating. So please send some pictures!
I’ve got some pretty exciting things going on here. Big announcement coming soon.