Grandson Robert, 10 yo, embroidered this fleece poncho on my Brother Dream Machine.
Shops, internet and sewing groups inundate us with beautiful and adorable projects for our girls. Items for the boys appear far less frequently. Yet we want to shower them with the same love that is stitched into items made for our girls.
My friend Judy Day faithfully and thoughtfully includes something for her grandson in packages she sends with garments for her granddaughter. See one example in her Even Steven post.
When our delightful 10 yo grandson Robert spent the night recently, he spent a lot of time cuddled up on the couch, wrapped in a fleece throw. March Madness was well underway, watched intently by Robert and his Granddad.
As Robert trekked into the kitchen for a drink refill, with his blanket dragging the floor and slipping off his shoulders, Sonia Showalter’s poncho  came to mind. That’s just what Robert needed!
He agreed it was a great idea and wanted to help. The technology of my Dream Machine fascinates him and he always asks a lot of questions about its capabilities. In my experience, kids love sewing machines. Robert chose a dragon from the built-in designs.
The throw was purchased on clearance somewhere a while ago. I didn’t measure it, but size is not a big issue with this sort of garment.
When asked if he wanted to take his poncho home or leave it here, he said he would take it home and bring it with him when he visits us. Maybe we’ll make a second one to keep here.
Robert is a big sports fan and had attended a Stetson University baseball game with Granddad the night before. It occurred to me that with a team logo or even a sports design, this would be a great accessory for cool weather sporting events.
Sonia’s machine embroidered poncho pattern pattern is also available in adult size. My daughter and daughter-in-love might each enjoy one of these for cool days at the boys’ soccer and flag football games.
I was so glad to find a project that Robert liked, that Robert will use, and that Robert made mostly by himself. And I was glad to have him all to myself for a while.
What projects have you made for your boys?
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