I hope the egg dye on Alastair’s fingers had dried before he laid hands on Vivian Rose.
I hope you all had a beautiful Easter. It’s not all about the clothes, I know, but for most of you readers and for this Nana, it is SOME about the clothes.
Robert Burns described my Easter ’16 when he wrote,”The best laid schemes of mice and men (read “Nanas”) gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain…”
That is not to say that my guy and I did not experience the sacred joy and meaning of Easter. So I can’t say that I experienced “nought but grief an’ pain,” but there were some regrets.
We had planned to join our daughter, Rebecca, and her family to celebrate Easter Suday with her in-laws, who are dear friends, across the state. But a monkey wrench was thrown into our plans Saturday–the very day I finished Easter duds for 3 yo Vivian Rose and 7 yo Alastair–the very outfits I was to deliver Easter morning to them. (Yes, I cut it close. I always do.)
So Rebecca scrounged through Vivi’s wardrobe and pulled out this old bishop, which has been around the block about as many times as the mailman. Still, it is presentable if not new.

The ME designs are yours for the asking. Just leave your request in the comment section.
Alastair had no matching bow tie so he attended the early morning egg hunt at the family friends’ waterfront home in a nice golf shirt.

Vivian is pleased with her clutch of eggs.
Like last year, it was a grand affair, with lots of children.  When I saw photos of the children dyeing eggs, with Vivi not wearing this year’s dress, some of that regret was washed away. Her actual dress for Easter ’16 is a smocked bishop made with a 27″ wide, beautifully embroidered Swiss batiste piece. This might have been the last hurrah for that old bishop she wore, though no egg dye shows up in these pictures.
Later, they were off to their paternal grandmother’s house, where they hunted more eggs and worked up an appetite.
Oma and Opa are great cooks and had prepared a fabulous dinner for their large family–minus Bob and me. Boo hoo! We always have such a good time with them.
After two beautiful Easter celebrations the children and their parents headed home.

Apparently, that gap-toothed boy was not drinking milk.
So what if the children were not dressed as I had planned? Vivian looked a lot nicer and a lot happier than she did wearing last year’s disastrous creation.
My next post will include photos of the outfits I thought they would be wearing.
So what about your Easter sewing? Please share what you have made. E-mail photos to NCcabin@aol.com. I’d love to see them.
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