This weekend we were delighted to host two of the boys from England’s world famous Canterbury Choir.
Our Reformed church, St. Andrews Chapel in Sanford (near but not in Orlando as indicated on the program), was the last stop on their tour of the southern states.
The weekend was a series of incredible experiences. Meeting these amazingly talented youngsters, hearing their glorious music, and learning about the Canterbury Cathedral where they live year round left us in awe. Witnessing the focus and determination of our young guests astounded us.
How different are the lives of these boys from that of our two homeschooled grandchildren who are nearly same age as our guests, 10 year old Felix and Nathaniel. Before the choir arrived, we watched this video for insight into the program. What a rigorous routine! And they all look so angelic. But it turns out that they are just boys.
After disembarking their “coach” Saturday afternoon we had dinner at Robert and Laurel’s nearby home. There we had a chance to chat with them and become acquainted.
When asked about his family, Felix reported that he has a brother who bites him and a sister who puts him in a headlock.  “But, of course,” he replied emphatically, “I love them!” His brother is just 4 and his 14 yo sister is in the newly formed Girls Cathedral Choir.
Nathaniel’s father is the Precentor at the Cathedral, so they see one another almost daily. Felix family is further away so his contact with family is much more limited.
When they weren’t eating or singing, our English boys wanted to spend every minute in the water.
Because our pool is being resurfaced and the screened-in pool at Robert and Laurel’s home is still too cold for swimming, we spent most of their leisure time at the grandchildren’s clubhouse pool. Those boys loved swimming.
Catching lizards at the bottom of our empty pool was one of many unique experiences for these city boys.
Saturday night all four children enjoyed a bonfire at our home where the choristers roasted marshmallows for s’mores. That was another first for them.

Nathaniel loved the s’mores, though roasting the marshmallows was harder than he expected. If you can’t stand the heat, you need to step away from the bonfire and have someone else do the roasting. So I roasted.
Sunday morning, when they sang Zadok The Priest, one boy forgot his music and the other forgot his church shoes. Because we live 40 minutes from church, there was no turning back for the forgotten items. One had to walk the processional hymn in his sock feet. The other was able to borrow music from the director. (This must not be the first time that has happened.) Again, we were reminded that they are just boys.
After church all four children were distracted from their hunger by playing checkers as we waited to be seated for lunch at Cracker Barrel.
Robert and Laurel drove them around the yard in the golf cart.
There was a little time for relaxing and that, invariably, was spent with their electronic devices.
After their whirlwind tour of the southern states, these youngsters were eager to return to their real homes with their real families for a one week vacation.
As I unloaded their suitcases, I found a stray sock in the back of the car.  Yes, they are just boys, but boys who found a special place in our hearts.
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