I hope you all had wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations. After the church musical Christmas Gala 10 y0 granddaughter Laurel was so happy that she literally danced along the path to the parking lot. Her delight ended when she twirled and fell, breaking her wrist.  Thank heavens for the Children’s Urgent Care Center! She’s on the mend now and other than that unfortunate incident, it has been a joyous holiday.
We enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner, gift exchange and church with our son and his family then drove across the state to spend Christmas Day with our daughter and hers.
This is her 2 yo carnivore, Vivian Rose, enjoying her Christmas goose drumstick, collard greens, sweet potato casserole, corn pudding and mashed potatoes. She loves to eat!
She is wearing her Christmas dress and ate so carefully that nary a drop nor food stain left a blemish on the Swiss flannel. A few days later the grandchildren and their parents gathered at our house for a few days of post-Christmas family fun and a big New Year’s Eve celebration. My ears are still ringing from son-in-law Harvey’s pyrotechnic displays. Good news! A few days ago the dogs and cats emerged from their hidey-holes and stopped shaking!
But it has been a lonnnnnng time since my last blog post. Because it actually was possible for me to have put up something in these past two weeks, I should probably be listed as AWOL. Then again, there was a whirlwind of activity so I think I’ll plead Missing in Action. That seems more honorable than AWOL.
As soon as everyone left yesterday morning, I got right on the first item on my must-do list, 12 aprons for my sorority alumnae group. (Second on the list is this post!) These will be worn when the group cooks at the Ronald McDonald House this month.
The design is the same but the colors have been varied somewhat, though each embroidery includes lavender and maroon, the sorority colors.

Designs are from Thread Artist Designs Wild Violets collection. The company must be discontinued as I cannot find them on the internet.
Now I’m moving on to Vivian Rose’s birthday dress. That should be fun.
Now that the holiday rush is over, what wonderful sewing projects have you planned? As Mary Engelbreit, one of my favorite philosophers, has said, “Welcome the New Year with things that have never been.” I bet your 2015 “never been” creations will be deee-vine.
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