Children’s Corner Jane has got to be one of my all-time favorite patterns. When it comes to play clothes or holidays with a short-wearing season, this is my go-to.
It is so quick and easy that I made two Jane tops for toddler granddaughter Vivian Rose. Two!!!!

Poor placement of text on fabric. It would have been so much more readable if it had been embroidered on the almost white stripe.
This same design was used on a Halloween outfit for my older granddaughter a few years ago.
The fabric for the first is made from subtle candy corn stripe with glittery sprinkles. I was pleased with myself for thinking ahead to match those stripes at the raglan sleeve seam. But it never occurred to me to take into account just where in the stripe pattern the embroidery, specifically the text, would fall. So now Vivian Rose has a top with a lot of candy corn and an almost hidden message tucked into the darker stripe.
Oh well, it’s only a Halloween project.
The second Jane, to be worn with the orange leggings which had been sent with the first top, is made of grey gingham and embroidered with a design from Sew Many Designs, Boo to You collection.
I had fun with this, using a white voile for the ghosts. If you look closely, you will see the grey gingham shadows through. That detail will be lost on Vivian Rose but it makes it fun for her parents and for me.
A pillowcase was included for Alastair in the package but I didn’t get a picture of that. He is into bats now so the turn tube hem was made from a bat fabric and a big bat was appliqued above the hem.
My sweet daughter loves anything for her new house. This dishtowel made her a happy hausfrau. Kreations by Kara has some of the most beautiful designs I have ever seen. The Autumn Wreaths collection is just spectacular.
I am absolutely, positively done with Halloween projects. Probably. How about you?
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