This fun font is Great Notions Princess Polka Dot.
My 9 year old granddaughter continues to expand the product line for her little business, Laurel’s Specialty Sewing. After introducing monogrammed tote bags, she added the service of sewing Girl Scout patches on the vests of her fellow Scouts ($ .50 per patch, monofilament thread, free motion sewing). This product and service has proven to be very profitable. She recently bought an American Girl doll with money she earned.
Now Laurel is promoting a new item in her line. The simple felt hangings are destined for the upcoming Girl Scout Camporee. The girls bring little items to trade, momentos of the event or trinkets, such as these for an event they call SWAPS–Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.
Or these.
As per its definition, each SWAPS item includes a safety pin so it can be pinned Somewhere. But where?
My google search turned up hundreds of ideas for SWAPS items, but only 3 photos of where to pin the collection of tiny treasures after the Camporee. One picture showed a large straw hat with the SWAPS pinned to it, another had pins attached to poster board and the last showed this shirt.
I couldn’t help but think that it can’t be much fun to remove all the pins in order to launder the garment.
So to fill a void in the market, Laurel is taking orders from the girls in her troop for SWAPS banners. For $5 they may choose black, red or yellow felt.  Her business is booming, showing no indications of the economy’s slow down.
The hangers are simple, a piece of felt approximately 14″ x 20″ with fancy blade rotary cut edges. The embroidery is stitched, the top folded to the front and then sewn in place with a decorative stitch.
A dowel rod is slipped through the sleeve and a 20″ length of ribbon is tied to either end. Easy-peasy.
Laurel has learned so much from her sewing business– the importance of prompt delivery, quality products, reasonable pricing, marketing strategies, and attractive advertising. She has learned that hard work has rewards, and so much more.
Would you like to excite and motivate your child about sewing? Would you like her/him to learn some basic business concepts? How about the rewards of a good work ethic? If so, you might want to think about helping your youngster start a business. It can be fun for you and a great learning experience for your child.
NOTE: In the pencil topper post, I mentioned that plans were being made to have my 8 yo Sunday School student, Peter, come sew with me. He desperately wanted to make a lizard pencil topper. We did that this past week and he was absolutely delighted with the project and the process. In fact, he begged to stay longer when his father came to pick him up 3 hours later.
But as he was admiring his second pencil topper, his bright eyes lighted up again and he announced, “I could SELL these!!!”
“Yes,” I replied, “you probably could.” There were a few seconds of quiet as Peter’s wheels turned….and then he had an AHA! moment as he pointed to another embroidery machine in my sewing room.
“I could sew on this one and you could sew on that one! That way, we could make a LOT of pencil toppers for me to sell.”
Before we seal the deal on my recruitment, Peter will have to listen to the same business lecture I gave Laurel. Â But this one will include a discussion of subcontracting.
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