Antique textiles offer so much creative inspiration. Suzanne Sawko and I found this elaborate antique bib at the once-in-a-lifetime estate sale mentioned in earlier posts. It appears to have both machine and hand stitches on a fabric similar to light weight pima broadcloth or a heavy weight Swiss batiste.
It didn’t take Suzanne long to recreate two exquisite versions in Swiss batiste, one for her niece
and the other for her nephew. Her article in Creative Needle gave all the details of her efforts.
Of course, baby garments and accessories are foremost in my mind these days, because of our new granddaughter, Vivian Rose.
And because of her and our other grandchildren, there has been not a minute to write a blog post this past week. The time was filled with the joyful chaos of 3 children running through the house and in the yard while Vivian Rose slept peacefully through it all. Our daughter and her little family had come for four days so we could spend some time together and have a family celebration for Alastair’s 4th birthday.
With his daddy, Uncle Ryan, Cousin Robert and Granddad, Alastair played football in the front yard, an activity that is a regular feature of family get-togethers. Later, Laurel tore herself away from the baby to join them for some fun in the tree house.
Alastair had already been guest of honor at a zoo party near his home across the state. I made 25 jungle themed teepee bags for that event. They are great for goody bag party favors.

He asked me to bake a football cake for his birthday. Cousins Robert and Laurel wondered if he could blow out all 4 candles. He did.
I had fun dressing Vivian Rose in a few of the outfits I had made her.
There were several other photo ops of Baby Girl in her pretty new clothes, but before the camera was turned on, she had spit up all over herself. I couldn’t count the number of outfits she went through. We were down to sleepers in a short while and doing laundry ’round the clock.
I couldn’t resist sharing this sweet photo of her tiny pink foot. She was lying on the change table just before a clean outfit replaced the milk soiled daygown. It even soaked through to her Swiss flannel slip.
This has been a fabulous week. Now, on to Vivian Rose’s Easter dress. Are you finished with your Easter sewing?
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