The three Fil Tire’ and Fancywork machine embroidery collections created by Suzanne Sawko and me have been mentioned in several posts. A few of the free designs offered on this site have been from one of the three sets.
I’ve meant to post purchase information for some time, but generally I am more wrapped up in sewing than selling. After receiving several inquiries, I have halted my sewing prattle and will now share them with you.
Fil Tire’ and Fancywork Elements includes a block of fil tire’ that can be used for applique’, many individual “elements” such as flowers, dots, leaves and tendrils. These can be combined into countless designs. The cost is $25 sent electronically, or $30 + postage if you would like the designs mailed to you on cd.

4 x 4 fil tire’ block made with wing needle. Used for applique’, it adds interesting texture to baskets, leaves, and any other applique’ design.

Each of these designs is a single file, to be used between buttonholes or on collars and cuffs. They can also be used as elements of a more elaborate combined design.

Several designs have been combined on this souvenir pincushion, a class project I taught at Martha Pullen’s school.
Fil tire’ and Fancywork Frames and Phrases
The third set, Fil Tire’ Frames and Phrases, is mostly made up of text and frames, which can be used as single frames with your own text or as shown with the frame around the text.
Other phrases with frames include
- Cabin Sweet Cabin
- Motorhome, Sweet Motorhome
- Bless This Mess
- God Bless America
- You make everything bloom
- Love kindness, gather love
- a sweet Sister poem
- Love makes a house a home……..
- and more
The cost for Frames and Phrases is $20 as a download and $25 + postage for a cd.
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