In 10 days, Alastair’s 2nd birthday party will be in full swing. Could anything be more fun than ten 1-6 year-olds high on buttercream frosting?
Currently, Alastair is crazy about trains so that is the theme of the party. His mother and I are in agreement about the cake–a train engine pulling graham cracker flat bed cars, each carrying a cupcake. It will be so much fun decorating this with Rebecca the night before the party.
Meanwhile, I am assembling all the materials for teepee bags, my standard little-kid party favors. I hope to work it out so that the metal zipper teeth will pass for train tracks. A train design has been edited so that the “choo choo makes a nearly right angle turn, trailing around the bottom of the bag and then chugging up the zipper.
This is going to be fun for everyone, though his cousins Robert and Laurel will be less than thrilled with the teepee bag. Each of my other grandchildren has had these bags for two of their parties. So it’s unlikely to surprise and delight them. Of course, the goodies inside will generate some enthusiasm.
Now, I’m off to assemble all the zippers, fabrics and threads so I can start on these first thing in the morning. Don’t you just love a party?