My supply of Martha Stewart Days of the Week (DOW) dish towels is dwindling.   But paired with these whimsical embroidery designs, I thought they made  a perfect birthday gift for a dear friend. Catherine teaches exceptional children and has invested her own money in a few sewing machines for the use of her students. Over the years, they have created individual and class quilt projects. In her limited free time, Catherine quilts at home for herself and her family.
As soon as I saw these machine embroidery designs, I knew they would be perfect for her. Just looking at them made me want to pull out some fabric and start a quilt. I love every step of the quilt making process, Â so it took some restraint keep from pulling out my scrap bags and to stick to my lengthy to-do list.
It has taken some time to get around to making this set of dishtowels for her and in the meantime, the design collection seems to have been retired. My “about” file lists the designer as Tracy Burkhart of Quilted Sanity, but it has a flawed url. Even with correction and a google search, I was able to locate only one set of designs (redwork) that she has available at the at the Stitchery Mall. So I am happy that I purchased the collection when I first saw it.
And I am happy and proud that Catherine is my friend.